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Hello All,

On 26 September 2013 19:03, Chris wrote:

Here are the four target audiences:

1) personal,
2) designer,
3) small business
4) enterprise

We need to create a landing page for each, and a teaser for the homepage.
Here’s one approach:
For each of the audiences, answer the following questions:

1) What products/services are appropriate to them?
– List links to pages


CD depends on what they want.
CD 1) personal,
CD normally just wants hosting for a single URL hence
CD https://geeks2rent.co.uk/level1/
CD would be most appropriate.
CD 2) designer,
CD     they want service beyond just URL and hosting ( if they are pure developer they probably don’t

CD     want security advise what is on the side of the hosting company or the owner of the site
CD   frugal designers
CD     may be already happy with

CD https://geeks2rent.co.uk/level9

CD 3) small business
CD a) if they dare to run it them selves – shared hosting ! looking after CMS and update themselves
CD https://geeks2rent.co.uk/level4
CD b) shared hosting PLUS managed ! looking after CMS updates and security
CD no link ready yet (but will appear here https://geeks2rent.co.uk/managed-hosting/ )
CD depending n how we split the services for managed hosting.
CD c) they don’t have an own IT guy so they need to buy the knowledge.
CD probably virtualServer
CD https://geeks2rent.co.uk/vq12
CD 4) enterprise
CD they might want a real own root server.
CD e.g. https://geeks2rent.co.uk/ex40/ similar to what we run and host currently 6 virtual server
CD on it the bigger the better – the more traffic postfix and mysql do consume a lot of RAM and CPU power.
2) Why are these products/services good for them?
CD – price and what they get for it is unbeatable
CD – Hosting for endusers is cheap and cheerful ( they are on their own if they dare –
CD    but got the options to opt in for service features)
CD – for the designers they have direct access to technician ( me ) to set up things they normally cant set up
CD   ( system settings deep rooted apache, mysql and other system settings)
CD – managed hosting hassle free hosting ( we shield you yield ) all around the CMS is looked after
CD    except the content the user can still edit themselves.
CD – virtual server ( managed ) is to secure once resources … not like shared hosting
CD – root server full control over resources no sharing with nobody.
3) What do they get (really short list of most important points).
CD not sure if i understand entirely – what they get is very much depending on the product.
CD e.g. Level 1 hosting they do get email they don’t get email if they rent a root server like E40
CD ( our current server )Web hosting offers affordable, no frills, secure high quality hosting,
CD with a state of the art control panel that let’s you easily set up email, ftp accounts and website
CD YES – email addresses
CD YES – auto- responders
CD YES – mailing lists (true? check!)
CD YES – FTP accounts
CD YES – WordPress, Joomla, Drupal (and many more) one click easy install
CD Managed hosting includes:
CD – Hourly back-up of database ( currently a free give away to all and everyone )
CD – Daily backup of files ( currently a free give away to all and everyone )
CD – Website backup restore service ( backup currently free for all – restore not needed yet
CD   only in case of intruder break through)
CD – File change monitoring (currently free service as i am scared like hell that we get bend over again.)
CD – Intrusion detection (currently free for all )
CD – CMS update service ( currently free for all )
CD – special solutions like webbased shared storage ( encrypted )
CD virtual server
CD – small budget solution to get out of shared hosting BUT one has to do the geeky bit one selves
CD    virtual server managed
CD – like above but no geek needed
CD managed server
CD – real hardware to run ones website on but i do the support bit and protecting
CD    root server
CD – 100% control for fat-cat corporation which got their own IT-crowed to look after issues
CD    ( “have you tried switching it off and on again?!”)

=== Personal ===

1) What products/services are appropriate to them?
Webhosting level 1 – http://geekstorent.co.uk/g2rdev/level1/
Webhosting level 4 http://geekstorent.co.uk/g2rdev/level4/

Managed Hosting – http://geekstorent.co.uk/g2rdev/managed-hosting/

2) Why are these products/services good for them?

Web hosting offers affordable, no frills, secure high quality hosting, with a state of the art control panel that let’s you easily set up email, ftp accounts and website
Managed hosting offers piece of mind by proactively keeping your content management system up to date, making regular backups, monitoring intrusions and acting on alerts of suspicious behaviour of your website, say when files are added or modified. 
3) What do they get (really short list of most important points).
Included in all our hosting packages is an easy to use (screenshots?) control panel that let’s you set up:
– email addresses
– auto- responders
– mailing lists (true? check!)
– FTP accounts
– WordPress, Joomla, Drupal (and many more) one click easy install
Managed hosting includes:
– Hourly back-up of database
– Daily backup of files
– Website backup restoral service
– File change monitoring
– Intrusion detection
– CMS update service




  • renaming products
  • inventing product names for managed hosting
  • what about the “remote assistance” service as seperate offer?
  • main focus ( i think is clients for hosting and managed hosting – serices) -> to generate incomeless emphasis on root and virtual server ( mostly passthrough items reselling hetzner ) hence maybe cutting down on root server offer only 3 and one storage server rest on request????



here i nicked some of the ideas. e.g. menu structure

the productstrucktuer -> http://geeks2rent.co.uk/

also intereting this aproach http://www.ans.gr/ and http://www.ans.gr/151/ very graphical and simple symbols.


other hosting companies

http://deltaphon.net/index-1.html – 1st aproach but IMHO to dark

http://www.internetx.com/server/dedicated-server.html – menues & logos



http://www.top-hoster.de/hosting – menue structure

http://www.website.com/pricing/ – very simple product strucure

http://www.myloc.de/managed-hosting/dedicated-server-mieten.html – maybe to plain

http://www.redstation.com/ – chunky but eye catching

http://www.cyberhostuk.net/ – just an other design from a hoster where we received ssh-attacks from

BAD DESIGNhttp://www.3ix.org/


Managed hosting

http://wpengine.com/pricing/ – WordPress managed hosting



Domain registering






hi conny, ich finde das sieht gut aus. die links auf der linken seite würde ich ein bißchen entzerren. sprich weiter auseinander machen. sonst gefällt mir die seite gut. farben und design sind beruhigend fürs auge. so, muss die kleene aus dem kindergarten holen. tschökes…lg kerstin


Hi Conny,I’m the worst person to ask about design, however fwiw I like it. Info is easy to find. Don’t like the drop downs full of model number though. Are your clients going to come looking for model numbers? If not, lose drop down and let them click through from the comparison page.Cheers,


design wird ja oft misverstanden
da geht es nicht so sehr um farben etc… ist ja schlussendlich immer geschmackssache
was mir jetzt bei dieser Webiste auffällt, ist, dass es etwas unprofessionell wirkt. Dies vorallem wegen der kindlichen schriften
aber fokus legen würde ich vorallem auf eine klare visuelle struktur
gleich wie du im html h1 h2 und p verwendest um inhalte mit verschiedener gewichtung klar zu unterscheiden, so soll auch die Information auf der Site visuell klar in ca. 3 Importance-Bereichte abgestuft sein
wo soll ein neuer user als allererstes hinschauen? Welche Information ist dir am allerwichtigsten, dass der user diese sieht: –> Dann Element(e) visuell hervorheben, so dass das auge automatisch da hin springt
momentan finde ich die gesamte info auf der site visuell gleichwertig gewichtet
mein auge weiss nicht auf welche information es ruhen soll
Es verwirrt mich auch, dass es 3,5 menus gibt
Die Headerfotos sehen auch wie ein main menu aus, da ist aber gar nix
(zum anklicken)
nix gegen die bilder aber der text darüber lenkt ab
ausser du machst das wirklich zu deiner main navso, das wären so meine anregungen, zur verbesserung des designs


Hi Conny,
Is good you decided to update the design. Honestly, for me looks still kind of old style. Latest designs uses full page width, big letters and image icons next to titles or descriptions.
Related to usability and finding what I need as a client would depend of what type of client you aim for. As an advance user I appreciate the level of detail of the services offered, specially the compare boxes, I find them very useful. I miss perhaps a resume page where you can see with very few details (with a descriptive icon perhaps) all services you offer. I can see them in the navigation menu, but it is easier to see them with some image/icon and a small description.
Also for webhosting levels, instead of numbers I would choose some descriptive name like basic, business, enterprise, ultra or plus or whatever.
As a non technical user, is difficult to find what I need, it is not very user friendly. Well perhaps I only know I need hosting for my web so I go to “webhosting”, then I choose level 1, as it is the cheapest one. But wait, I plan on starting a small business, if instead of level 4 I see “business” or a small user friendly description saying this level is more suitable for a small business I may want to invest more. (see what I´m trying to explain?). Also if you have a welcome page or services page with a resume or showcase of the different services as I mentioned before would help to understand that all other choices are for advance users.
But then again, that depends of what clients you aim for.

Hope I was helpfull and not to critic. 🙂


Ich finde sie schön… sieht gut aus